Life Beyond the Numbers with Michael Conway, CFP


Join me live on Linkedin as I interview Michael Conway, CEO of Conway Wealth about their unique approach to serving clients BEYOND THE NUMBERS. See how they are helping clients invest in ways that align with their values, aspirations, and health goals. His team has created two programs that are breaking the mold on financial planning. So, if adding real life value to your financial practice resonates, you don't want to miss this peek behind the curtains into another practice that is redefining what financial planning is all about - LIVE on Linkedin!



Investment advisory and financial planning services offered through Summit Financial, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser, doing business as Conway Wealth Group (4 Campus Drive, Parsippany NJ 07054. Tel. 973-285-3600).

Summit Financial, LLC, its affiliates and Conway Wealth Group are not endorsing the above-referenced third-party sources or services, or their privacy and security policies.

Conway Wealth Group LLC is owned by Michael W. Conway. The Life & Wealth Network and Seeds are outside business activities of Michael Conway and are not affiliated with Summit Financial, LLC. This material is for your information and is not intended as investment, legal or tax advice.

Seeds is not affiliated with Summit Financial LLC doing business as Conway Wealth Group.

Initial 2021 Tax Considerations

With the swearing-in of a new President and Vice President, plus convening of the next Congress, affluent Americans are weighing how changes in federal government may financially impact them.

Given that Democrats hold the Presidency and control both Houses of Congress by a slim margin, it now seems likely that tax reform could be passed as a budget reconciliation bill and then signed into law. While there is a remote chance that expected tax changes will be retroactive, it is more probable that they would take effect immediately upon becoming law or even at the start of 2022.

Since 2021 may be a last opportunity to capitalize on current income, capital gains, and transfer tax laws, families are considering key financial & estate planning adjustments, where appropriate.

Income & Capital Gains Tax Proposals

With the swearing-in of a new President and Vice President, plus convening of the next Congress, affluent Americans are weighing how changes in federal government may financially impact them.

Given that Democrats hold the Presidency and control both Houses of Congress by a slim margin, it now seems likely that tax reform could be passed as a budget reconciliation bill and then signed into law. While there is a remote chance that expected tax changes will be retroactive, it is more probable that they would take effect immediately upon becoming law or even at the start of 2022.

Since 2021 may be a last opportunity to capitalize on current income, capital gains, and transfer tax laws, families are considering key financial & estate planning adjustments, where appropriate.

“Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.”

Responsive Planning

Given the above proposals, there is great uncertainty surrounding future tax policy. Even if some of the more benign tax provisions now in effect are not repealed, many of them are scheduled to sunset at the end of 2025 already.

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  • Phase out the 20% pass-through deduction on qualified business income for people with annual income exceeding $400,000
  • Eliminate capital gain deferral through like-kind exchanges of business & investment real estate for people whose yearly income exceeds $400,000
  • Increase the highest corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28% and subject corporate book income of $100,000,000 or more to a 15% alternative minimum tax
  • Double the tax rate on global intangible low tax income (GILTI) earned by foreign subsidiaries of American businesses from 10.5% to 21%
  • Impose a 10% surtax for U.S. companies that move manufacturing & service jobs to another country and then provide services or products for sale back to the American market
  • Create an advanceable 10% “Made in America” credit for manufacturers’ revitalizing, re-tooling and hiring costs
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